Saturday, 15 May 2010

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Pres Monitor Stack

After performing a wheel tranplant from another rack.
The monitors are mounted on slide out rails

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Work on distribution unit - pt 145

We moved our entire unit downstairs to the now empty pres room, and setup. We then did a complete test of our VTR, bug's WSS insertors and matrix routing system, which helped iron out some problems.
We also did some work on audio monitor unit, and had some problems getting out SDI/AES de-emebers working correctly with the Axis matrix.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Pres Distribution Unit

Top: Musa patch panel C&D,
Below: SDI TSG, is over patched to a DDA,
then some outputs are patched to the
front panel aswell for quickly patching
Below: SDI TSG, is over patched to a DDA,
then some outputs are patched to the
front panel aswell for quickly patching

Power Distribution One
Probel Panel
SCID Digital Audio Monitor

We have to use 75Ω to 110Ω impendance convertors
in this setup, due to the program outputs of our
SDI de-ember being AES over BNC/75Ω Coax.
However the inputs for our digital audio monitor
are AES over XLR/110Ω Twisted Pair.

We have also started cabling power up to each unit,
from each power distro panel.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Delicious Cable Spaghetti

We have started to wire up our distrobution trolley.
From top to bottom:
Axis Matrix
SDI/AES Embers and De-embers
Control PC

Rear of front over patch panel

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Tearing apart Pres

Starting removing all the SDI monitors from Pres today.
This will all mostly be rack mounted and used to monitor feeds and sources in our new set-up for Matter.

Friday, 2 April 2010

Racking up

We have split each major sections into seperate racks, which can then be quickly assembled into the complete chain by patching between each rack.
This dual rack here is the distribution unit, which i have been working on.
On the left we have digital audio monitoring, bug burning, and wide screen signalling (WSS) insertors.
For Pres 1 (output for channel one) we are able to use a single Miranda EasyKey unit, to both key and burn the bug (Or DOG- Digital-On screen-Graphic) over the input video, before the WSS information is inserted.

However for pres 2, the EasyKey unit is not fully functioning. The work around that we use is to use the EasyKey to first key the bug, before a second simlar Oxtel unit burns the bug to the background video. Pres two also then has its WSS info added.

At the momment for testing we are using last years BUG's to test out system. However when the branding department come back to us with their designs for the this years channel BUG's we can then create the bug using the Mirinda software and then load the BUGs on the machines via their floppy card readers.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Recent Time

The system diagram of the section of the chain that i have been working on the last couple of days

MediaViews, WSS insertors and BUG burners.

The BUG or DOG (digital on screen graphic) is stored on these floppy disks.
We will have to contact the branding dept. to organize updating the bugs for this years logo.